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Have you spoken to someone on our helpline?
If so, we’d be grateful if you would spend a few minutes to give us some feedback. Please be reassured that this is entirely anonymous and confidential. We cannot trace who submits this form.
Please select those choices which apply to you.
1a . What did you expect when you rang the Doctors’ SupportLine? 1b. Did you receive what you expected? Please select those categories which you expected and/or received.
someone who, because they are a doctor, knows ‘what it’s like’
Information about where to get other specific help
Someone to help you sort out what action to take
Any other comments?
2. Did the volunteer doctor who answered the call treat you with:
3. Was the call? not helpful
quite helpful helpful very helpful
4. Was your call? a) a first call
b) a repeat call
5. What benefit or otherwise did you get from the call?
6. Would you call again if you needed to? Yes No
If No, please explain:
7. Are there other hours you would like the DSL to be open which would suit you better? Yes No If yes, please specify:
8. Would you recommend the DSL to a (doctor) friend? Yes No
9. How did you hear of us? BMJ Careers poster from a friend other If other, please specify:
10. Any other comments which would help us to improve the DSL?